Sunday 15 April 2012

>> Fact Vs Theory

Fact is something right and we cannot change. For the example blood very important for human, without blood human cannot stay life. Theory is where it can change from time by time. For the example, theory about where human come in this world, some theory they said, people born from animal like a apes however, have a certain people argue about that and come by different theory. Thus, theory based on experiment and research.Yet, fact if we try for many time the result still same.Also fact true and accurate. Theory based on people opinion about how something is happen. Theory can be good or bad. Before a theory is given any credence in the scientific community, it must be subjected to "peer review." This means that the proposed theory must be published in a legitimate scientific journal in order to provide the opportunity for other scientists to evaluate the relevant factual information and publish their conclusions.

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