Sunday 15 April 2012

>> Customer Perception Regarding Buying Perfume

The woman pictured is attractive, thin and has perfect skin and nails. This is partly an ‘offer picture’ (Kress and van Leeuwen 2006) as it offers a scene to the reader to view. There is an eye line vector from the man to the woman, showing his attraction to her, the implication being that if the reader uses the perfume, they too will attract a man. The picture is also a ‘demand picture’ (Kress and van Leeuwen 2006) as the woman is demanding a relationship with the person looking at the advert through eye contact. As this advert is aimed at women, it is as if the woman pictured is looking directly at the female reader and, perhaps, boasting of her ability to attract a man. The words on the right hand side of the advertisement read ‘take a bite out of life!’, implying that just by using the fragrance, the readers life can be enhanced.
Clearly, bite refers to apples, which is central to the ‘be delicious’ name of the perfume. This is an imperative statement, based on the metaphor of woman-is-food, and encourages the reader to think of herself in terms of food in order to be attractive to, and ultimately consumed by, (as the picture suggests), a man. The bottle itself is in the shape of a fruit, associating the perfume, and hence its purchaser, with all the attributes of a natural, wholesome apple. The advertiser seems to be taking what people really want, the freshness of nature, and substituting it with an artificial and potentially toxic substance.

 Customer Perception Regarding Buying Perfume
My title for  Final Year Project (FYP) is Customer Perception Regarding Buying Perfume. I would like to find what the significant customer when buy a perfume. Because based on my observation some people they prefer when buy perfume is a scent, the unique of bottle, ingredient that use for the perfume, one of the glamour product that everyone must have and so on.
For the example from picture at above, we can see how the marketer make that perfume look interesting to attract customer. Basically we know, perfume is physical product that we must touch and feel the scent before we buying, but just use the right illustration and design, picture at above can attract many people to try and find out what product is about. The unique bottle of perfume show at poster, very interested because the colour ingredient at their look like apple fruit show at the back.
In my opinion this topic related to marketing because it include element like packaging, physical product, scent, distribution and so on. In conclusion, I hope after do the research I can get the answer why customer buys a perfume. Perhaps it can help and provide a right data for marketer in fragrance field.

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