Thursday 24 May 2012

>> Ethnography

EthnographyIt can define as method and learning about culture that include item like demography, geography, politics and so on.

Context of Marketing Research

  •  It help researcher to understand more about research and collect the data.
  • The method use researcher to know attitude customer
  • For instance in segmentation based on gender, age, social status and so on
  • From this segmentation, researcher can collect data based what they customer want
  • Purpose doing this ethnography to get main and to fulfill customer need toward product or service
  • Other things, to collect data researcher use qualitative which is need interview, distributed questionnaire, observation and so on.

Advantages & Challengers
Provide Information
In marketing information is very important, because it use to analysis about customer. At the same time marketer can interaction with they customer and know what they want especially when launch new product. However, have challenges for this ethnography. Like a it take too long to collect the data. Sometime maybe information that giving can be lie and have respondent not answering question with right answer. Last but not least, ethnography is important to help marketer and researcher to understand consumer behaviour. Impact from this, it can help company to improve they product or service that offered to customer and last can increase company profit. 

>> Poster Competition!!!

Date ; 23th May 2012
Venue : lobby faculty of economic and business
Time ; 2.00pm
Based on the detail, faculty of economic and business have organize one poster presentation competition. Here, all contestants need bring they material and put at panel board, so easy to judge to choose which one the best.
 This participate by final year student from 4 courses that offer in our faculty, marketing, economic industrial, economic international and finance. I’m as a marketing student, of course my focuses goes to marketing student that show they poster. From there, I see 2 student have related topic with me, which is perception:
  •  First student, topic: People Perception About Tattoo
  •   Second student, topic: Halal Perception From Non-Muslim

I may 2 ask question because to get more information how they do for this topic, the question is like this:
  • Where do you found to do this topic?
First student : Many people have negative perception, because for them, if people have tattoo mean he/she is gangster or bad person, so I think important to know what a real perception people about tattoo.

Second student : Basically Halal product just refer to muslim people, but we not realize have few non-muslim also choose halal product in daily live, that why I interesting to do this topic.

  • How long do you take to collect the data?
First student : Not so long, around 3 or 4 weeks. Just distributed the questionnaire

Second student : Its quiet long because I must find my sample from non-muslim to fullfill this characteristic.

After finish my question, I’m feel it really help me to continue my topic Final Year Project (FYP), hopefully after this I have more idea to elaborate my project. Thank you for your contribution and spend time to answers my question. ALL THE BEST!!!...

Sunday 15 April 2012

>> Fact Vs Theory

Fact is something right and we cannot change. For the example blood very important for human, without blood human cannot stay life. Theory is where it can change from time by time. For the example, theory about where human come in this world, some theory they said, people born from animal like a apes however, have a certain people argue about that and come by different theory. Thus, theory based on experiment and research.Yet, fact if we try for many time the result still same.Also fact true and accurate. Theory based on people opinion about how something is happen. Theory can be good or bad. Before a theory is given any credence in the scientific community, it must be subjected to "peer review." This means that the proposed theory must be published in a legitimate scientific journal in order to provide the opportunity for other scientists to evaluate the relevant factual information and publish their conclusions.

>> DKNY bite the apple

>> Narrow down of topic

1.      Who is your target sample for this issue?
2.      What you want to do after get result from this issue?
3.      How attribute product can influence customer?
4.      Why you think this is important for company?
5.      When customer will realize about perfume product exist in market?

>> Inductive or Deductive?

For this topic, I choose deductive. Deductive is the process by which we arrive at a reason conclusion by logical generalization of a known fact. For the example, we know when mention about perfume, customer will think about the scent.
For this deductive I will use surveys and questionnaire. For the example, at questionnaire form I will provide question about relate customer and perfume, what is your favourite brand for perfume?, how many time you buy perfume in a month?, why you like that brand? And so on. Purpose this to collect data and information then analyze to get right decision.

>> Dimension of research

Dimension of Research can divide by 3 which is The Purpose of a Study, the Use of Research and The Time Dimension in Research. For this topic, Customer Perception Regarding Buying Perfume, dimension are suitable is The Purpose of a Study.
The Purpose of a Study comprises 3 goals of research, Exploratory, Descriptive and Explanatory. For this topic the goals or research is descriptive. I think this topic more to descriptive because the outcome of descriptive study is detailed picture of the subject. For the example, result may indicate the percentage of people who like buy perfume because the scent.A descriptive study presents a picture of types of people or of social activities. For the example, in this topic I interested to know how consumer behaviour toward buying perfumes. Sometime customer will come and buy again the previous brand and some customer like to try new brand.A great deal of social research is descriptive. Descriptive research use most data-gathering technique like surveys, field research, and observation.

>> why perfume??

Customer Perception 
Regarding Buying Perfume
I choose this topic because, I want to explore more about perfume product. If we realize all perfume use a different ways to promote their product like design of bottle, the colour for scent, model to attract customer and so on.
From previous until now perfume product always get customer attention. Past, seller comes house to house to promote they product, but now customer can get that product by online buying from company website.
Certain people they don’t like perfume because the scent make them allergic and affect the to sneeze, however also have few people they like use the strong scent perfume because can attract everybody.The problem that attempt to address when I decide to research this topic is that product packaging influence customer to buy?, others to know the scent influence customer behaviour?, is that have any side causal when use to much perfume to human body? And so on.All this make me feel excited to do research about Customer Perception Regarding Buying Perfume.

>> What is research??

Research, it is one word very familiar with people like a scientist, laboratory person or anybody for like care about something. Research we can define as a process of finding solution to a problem after through study and analysis of the situational factors.
We can see like a manager work in organization, they engage in studying and analyzing problem involved, and they do the research activity as they make decision at the workplace.
Managers can make good decision and the problem is solve, however sometime they also make a wrong decision and the problem come for twice time, the result organization gets stuck at that time.
The difference between making good decision and committing big mistake lies in how manager go about the decision-making process.

Excitement of Research!
Today computer is very helpful to everyone, this gadget help everybody make they life become easy. Same with this activity, research, it help to store and retrieve information, from this manager can handle they problem with greater confidence.
Other benefit can get from research is, we can interact more effectively with research consultant who work for we are, next can discriminate between good and bad studies published in professional journal and if so desires, our self can undertake research to solve the problem.

Business Research
Mean a systematic and organized to investigate what problem happen in work place and it need a solution. It have few step designed and executed. First step in research is to know where the problem exist at organization and also identify with clearly possible the problems that need to be studied and resolved. Next step is gather information, analyze the data, and determine the factor that are associated with the problem and solve it by taking the necessary corrective measure.
Subsequently, research comprises process of inquiry, investigation, examination and experimentation. All of these  process have to be carried out systematically, diligently, critically, objectively and logically.

Definition of Research
Now we can define business research as organized, systematic, data-based, critical, objective, scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem, undertaken with the purpose of finding answers or solution.
The research provided right information to guide manager to make decision successfully deal with problem or issue. The information provide data gather firsthand or data already available like in company, industry, archives and so on.
Data divide by two which is quantitative and qualitative. For quantitative it gather from structured question. For qualitative it get from broad answers to specific question in interview, or from responses to open-ended question in a questionnaire, or through observation.

>> Customer Perception Regarding Buying Perfume

The woman pictured is attractive, thin and has perfect skin and nails. This is partly an ‘offer picture’ (Kress and van Leeuwen 2006) as it offers a scene to the reader to view. There is an eye line vector from the man to the woman, showing his attraction to her, the implication being that if the reader uses the perfume, they too will attract a man. The picture is also a ‘demand picture’ (Kress and van Leeuwen 2006) as the woman is demanding a relationship with the person looking at the advert through eye contact. As this advert is aimed at women, it is as if the woman pictured is looking directly at the female reader and, perhaps, boasting of her ability to attract a man. The words on the right hand side of the advertisement read ‘take a bite out of life!’, implying that just by using the fragrance, the readers life can be enhanced.
Clearly, bite refers to apples, which is central to the ‘be delicious’ name of the perfume. This is an imperative statement, based on the metaphor of woman-is-food, and encourages the reader to think of herself in terms of food in order to be attractive to, and ultimately consumed by, (as the picture suggests), a man. The bottle itself is in the shape of a fruit, associating the perfume, and hence its purchaser, with all the attributes of a natural, wholesome apple. The advertiser seems to be taking what people really want, the freshness of nature, and substituting it with an artificial and potentially toxic substance.

 Customer Perception Regarding Buying Perfume
My title for  Final Year Project (FYP) is Customer Perception Regarding Buying Perfume. I would like to find what the significant customer when buy a perfume. Because based on my observation some people they prefer when buy perfume is a scent, the unique of bottle, ingredient that use for the perfume, one of the glamour product that everyone must have and so on.
For the example from picture at above, we can see how the marketer make that perfume look interesting to attract customer. Basically we know, perfume is physical product that we must touch and feel the scent before we buying, but just use the right illustration and design, picture at above can attract many people to try and find out what product is about. The unique bottle of perfume show at poster, very interested because the colour ingredient at their look like apple fruit show at the back.
In my opinion this topic related to marketing because it include element like packaging, physical product, scent, distribution and so on. In conclusion, I hope after do the research I can get the answer why customer buys a perfume. Perhaps it can help and provide a right data for marketer in fragrance field.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

>> Introduction

Personal Data
  • Name : Muhammad Afnan Bin Hasim
  • Date of Birth : 24 years old
  • Sex : Male
  • Marital Status : Bachelor
  • Race : Malay
  • Religion : Islam
  • Address : Kuala Lumpur
  • Email :

  • Present : University Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas), Business Management in Marketing
  • 2009-2006 : Polytechnic Premier Shah Alam, Diploma in Marketing
  • 2005-2001 : High School Klang